Healing Services
Kristel is internationally trained and certified in the following healing modalities:
Ordained Interfaith Non-Denominational Minister
Advanced Mediumship at the Arthur Findlay College and abroad
Certified ThetaHealing® Practitioner & Instructor
Certified Reiki Master & Instructor
Certified Integrated Energy Therapy® Master & Trainer
Certified Angel Messenger Practitioner®
Certified Aromatherapy Practitioner
Certified Animal Healing Practitioner & Instructor (Reiki & IET)
Awakening the Illuminated Heart Practitioner
Foundation for Shamanic Studies Practitioner
Soul Retrieval Practitioner
Booking is quick & easy!
Follow the link to view Kristel's services on Divine Clarity Spiritual Centre & Metaphysical Shoppe's website.
“I am grateful for the gifts you share. Without that help I would not be facing my fears and blockages. You have single mindedly shown me the way and helped me heal.”